Since going Paleo my family has fallen even more in love with our grill. Paleo and grilling just work well together. The past couple of years I've even been stepping outside my grilling comfort zone more and more. Grilling things I'd never thought to have grilled before and trying new flavor combinations. I have to say I'm pretty thrilled with the results of most of my flavor experiments. In the past I'd never have thought to grill fruit, but it's amazing. Grilling fruit and adding it to traditionally savory dishes? Brilliant. Oh yes, and? New rule: every burger recipe for the rest of forever must contain grilled pineapple. OK, maybe more of a guideline. It's a seriously delicious combination though. This Smoky Grilled Pineapple Burger is always a crowd-pleaser at my house. It's not only Paleo, but Whole30, glutenfree, lower carb, and clean eating friendly. I promise you won't miss the bun! paleo, grilled pineapple burger, smoky...
It's true. Unless you have been through it, people just don't get what it's like to get OUT of it. I seriously have these moments ALL. THE. TIME. now, where I'm like... I can just buy myself clothes now? Whenever I want? I can just be friends with WHOEVER I want?! I can just go wherever I want? I can just have relationships with new people without someone smear campaigning me behind my back? They can just get to know me for me? I can just BE me?! Like, seriously?! I can write a book, have a career, be successful? I can make friends? (I have sooo many friends now, it's amazing, the isolation was so hard.) I can buy whatever dang car I LIKE? I can express myself and dress and do my makeup and my hair and whatever however I want??? I can enjoy my appearance? I can just BE HAPPY?! I can be me OUT LOUD?? I can shine brightly? I can be proud of myself and my accomplishments? Ya'll. This is so cool. Don't get me wrong, it's been a hard road getting here. I...